What's in Store for the Rest of 2020?
It’s hard to believe, but we’ve reached the halfway mark in 2020. If you would’ve glanced at the stock market on January 1st and then not...
First Priority: Save the Patient
We initially wrote an article about revisiting your financial plan during this unprecedented stock market volatility. However, now that...
My Thoughts on the CARES Act – Late last week Congress passed and President Trump signed, the largest economic bill in U.S. history. ...
COVID-19 Market Update
Coronavirus (COVID-19) market update Topics of discussion include: - How is the virus affecting the markets and economy - How low will...
Coronavirus, World Events, & Your Money
As of today, the S&P500 is down about 20% from its high set earlier this quarter and the Coronovirus has spread throughout many US cities...
Strategies for Managing Behavior during a Pandemic
Over the last few days, we have certainly seen some volatility in financial markets, and we are suddenly all getting used to the word...